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AR Votes

Publishing state-wide election information for the November 5, 2024 general election in Arkansas. 

AR Votes aims to provide Arkansas voters with a single site  to access information related to their ballot; including candidate campaign websites and information on ballot issues.  


The AR Votes website was created using public information, photographs, and websites gathered by Arkansas volunteers.


For the November 5, 2024, election, the site contains information on all federal contested positions, state legislature contested positions, judicial runoff elections at all levels across the state, county contested partisan positions, and additional local election items across the state that were able to be found publicly. The majority of the work to link candidate information on this website was completed throughout 2024. If a candidate's website or campaign Facebook page was established later than mid-September 2024, it may not appear here. 


Candidates  may email the team at to request updates to pictures/web addresses for their campaigns. 



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